demons portraits   gkhb (page 4) 


Only a handful of these portraits survived the cataclysm that destroyed
Nergal, and of those, most were burned in the purges of the years
following, on orders of the emperor, who proclaimed that all things
pertaining to Nergal were `foul and most evil, and shall be eradicated from
the world'.  Thus, these portraits are now very rare, and fewer than twenty
exist today.  Even among these, the provenance is doubtful, and four of
them may be forgeries.


'merrills' older brother?  ;D



special note:  these are all inspirations and characters from the 'Fraankes Expedition'  a novel still in it's rough drafts.. consisting of a mere 1400 pages or so, birthed from mr. bryants ganglionic gray matter starting i think around the year 2000.   when will it be finished i may not see that time a come but i hope he takes that task to make it be seen in a million eyes or more.    i know i would make that possible.   there's some serials connected to this experience and of course visitors here (or where ever we'll be) will see it first.  (of course!  what did you expect?)


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